Local productive arrangements in the light of Mark Granovetter's economic sociology

heterodoxy and social networks theory

  • Tiago Macedo Bezerra Maia
  • João Morais de Sousa
Keywords: Economic sociology, Mark Granovetter, Social network theory, Heterodoxy, LPAs, Local and regional development


This study aims to analyze some of the most relevant sociological-economic theoretical aspects related to local productive arrangements (LPAs). LPAs manifest, by their nature and
specificities, peculiar nuances of agglomeration economies and thus can be identified and characterized from the perspective of network theory that demonstrates how they can
contribute to local and regional development. Through the reflective contribution of recent theory of social networks by the American economic sociologist Mark Granovetter, we seek,
due to its heterodox character, to discuss some possible particularities that social networks can offer to LPAs, and by means of these, to the development of localities and/or regions.
The methodology used was qualitative, using the technique of systematic literature review on the topics mentioned above.


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