Dossiê: Estudos Sociais em Ciência e Tecnologia


Fabrício Neves (UNB)

Daniela Alves (UFV)


The dossier “Social Studies in Science and Technology” aims to address the different perspectives and debates that permeate this interdisciplinary field, exploring the countless relationships between science, technology and society, from different angles and approaches. Social Studies in Science and Technology (ESCT) is an interdisciplinary field dedicated to analyzing the complex relationships between science, technology and society (Premebida et al., 2015). This area of ​​study seeks to understand how science and technology are shaped by social, political, economic and cultural factors, and how, in turn, they shape society (Jasanoff, 1998). ESCT's main characteristics are interdisciplinarity, a relational approach and critical analysis. The themes to be covered in the proposal encompass the production and use of scientific and technological knowledge, the influence of social, political and economic factors on science and technology, socio-technical controversies, public participation in decisions about science and technology and the scientific and technological development in different historical and social contexts, the co-production of technological artifacts. Works that focus on themes related to the relationship between nature and culture, climate change, scientific inequalities, gender and science, race and science, technological autonomy and technological development, scientific institutions and actors, among others, will also be welcome.


Submission deadline: 06/25/2024