• Vitória Breda Külzer Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Aline Pereira UFPel
  • Juliana do Amaral Martins Grimmler Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Alejandro Martins Rodriguez Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Keywords: 4.0 manufacturing, 4.0 technology, 4.0 maturity model, 4.0 innovation, competitiveness


To promote the competitiveness of industries in Germany, the launch of a project called Industry Platform 4.0 was launched in 2011. 0, 0. The project aimed to develop high technology to make the automated systems which control industrial equipment, being able to communicate by exchanging information between machines and humans, modifying current production systems. In this scenario, this study aimed to determine the maturity index against the elements of Industry 4.0 in a company in the tobacco industry, to verify the level of technology present in its processes. To achieve this goal, the methodology that best suits the present case study was selected. This methodology is based on an evaluation check list that used a data collection form. According to the data obtained, a classification was made, arranged by a measurement of maturity levels. Through this evaluation and research on the relationship of the selected company with the adoption of technologies, it was possible to determine that the organization showed remarkable performance for its insertion in the 4.0 environment, using state-of-the-art technologies in its production process, and falling under level 4, on a scale of 0 to 5 maturity of the selected model. In the study conducted, the results related to the culture and organizational structure of the company stand out, since these are already part of scenario 4.0.


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