Extensionist practices in feminist visualities and invisibilities

  • Adriana Nascimento
  • Amanda Lima Martins
  • Isadora Helena Julio de Carvalho
  • Tânia Solano Ardito


The purpose of this article is to highlight the bodies, spaces, and times associated with interdisciplinary approaches to abandonment. The bodyspacetime is a correspondence between the various basic subsistence components of the individual by different scales and political and intersectoral relations, as well as produces an allusion to the knowledge regarding visibilities, rights and representativeness of parts of the population, with a focus on women, in feminist debates and about otherness. The different types of abandonment are present in the daily life of minorities, in the routine bias of exclusion, subordination, and discrimination. The theoretical debates and the extensionist practices presented here allow an updated perception of what is vague, marginalized, and degraded nowadays, evidencing recidivism in the neglect of bodies in space-time and social relations invisibilized in an interrelated and intersectional way.


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