This text, deals with emergent tendencies in education, sometimes imperceptible, because they grow from the intersticial spaces of institutions. We need to relate with each other in other ways in relation to spaces, knowledge, nature and understand alterity (otherness) and the power to create a shared teaching and learning space. The social contract in Rousseau (1992) describes educational systems that mantain the tradicional structures [and relationships] of the past between institution, teacher and student. New manners of being together in society emerge: sociality (MAFFESOLI, 208), relationships with more solidarity, affection and sensible coexistence. This paper talks about clandestine teachers, those who try to provide other ways to learn and develop together, generating enriching experiences and sympathetic relationships in which each person relates to the others. A different learning space fomented in relation to sharing, which shapes the Eros of the group (GUATTARI, 1989) and a microclimate, the proposed notion of climatosofia (TORREGROSA, 2013), acknowledging the social forms of learning in everyday life, the atmospheric conditions of a situational kind of knowledge.