um desafio para o ensino formal

  • Tereza Cristina Farias Thomaz
Keywords: Mathematic of life in the school


The education has been questioned so much and discussed by the brazilian teachers, among other reasons, because of the low quality of the education and because of the high levels of scape from school and recurrence. The math teaching, specially, has contributed to the selectivity of the education system, favouring, some students and discriminating others. This is due to education centralized in the fixation of technics of calculus, terminologies and model of resolution of the exercises, without the preocupation with the comprehension of the fundamentals thoughts. From the experience as a math teacher of the fifth grade in a public school I looked for alternatives to the teaching, searching, with the students, the sources of the reality and using the results of the datas colected as helpfull elements in the teaching-learning process. Besides the learning had been satisfactory, the experience made an opportunity of new knowledges, that, in general are not accepted in the classroom. This work brings contributions to make the education pleasant and that the search of this knowledge prepares the students to life.


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