a way to enable the nurse at work

  • Susana Cecagno
  • Maria da Glória Santana
  • Maira Buss Thofehrn
  • Diana Cecagno
Keywords: Teaching at distance, nurse


This paper appraches the importance of teaching at distance in the nurse qualification. This way of teaching-knowledge provides a different way from the standard teaching model, making possible to develop and enable the nurse, as well as his working team since they are all invited to actively take part of building up a new knowledge, reinforcingg how important is the follow up of education at work. The porcess of teaching-learning trough converting opportunities into real knowledge estimulates the searching for knowledge, education in health and, mainly, a reflexion over the actual professional practice which points towards valving the human being, which is a capable being, gifted with perceptions and proper knowledges inserted in a social context.


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