a simultaneous process of teaching/learning and work

  • Heloísa Dupas Penteado
Keywords: Normative theory, emancipating theory, reflexive teacher, teacher researcher, teacher person, collaborative research, communicational study methodology


This text aims at developing a reflection about the role of theory in the initial and continuing training of a teacher. We reject the teaching of a normative theory, here identified as the process of domination. But we highlight the theory as “Reading Lenses” of the multiple, unexpected and unique teaching situations that the teacher finds him/herself in, as an emancipating process. In it, theory fulfills its role in forming the “teacher-person” that unites the characteristic of the “teacher-reflexive” and “teacher-researcher”. And opens the way: to “collaborative-research” as a possibility to overcome the fragmentation theory/practice and academy/school, (2) to “Communicational study methodology” and to the “communicational acting” as a possibility to overcome the fragmentation of the technological society/school teaching, or, in other words, social practice/the practice of teaching.


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