knowledge needed for life integration

  • Márcio Xavier Bonorino Figueiredo
Keywords: educator development, biocentric education, biodanza, life experiences, childhood


The theme of this paper deals with educator development in city nursery schools in Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul state. A synthesis of the Biocentric View, the Biocentric Principle, and its application to Biocentric Education is presented. Expectations, relationships, pedagogical work, life processes, distinct knowledge possibilities, and the integrative dimension of affection are mentioned. We started with a phenomenological analysis of the nursery school educators’ expectations, which were expressed and collected in the verbal reports of their life experiences. The educators’ expectations have offered us a “photographic view” of nursery school and life. Taking these photos with affection, dialogue and respect towards group, makes it possible to like people, enjoy work and the environment, besides allowing development to happen. We need to experience other rhythms of sameness. Inner transmutations of insecurity, shame, and anxiety will lead to courage, tranquility, emotive quietness and hope towards others and the world. The educators keep feeling the need of an in-service program which links daily experiences and theories that allow nursery schools to be “read” through a web of different looks.


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