Challenging the Demise of Civil Society in a Time of Permanent War

  • Peter McLaren
  • Nathalia Jaramillo
  • Magda Floriana Damiani
Keywords: progressive education, North-American imperialism, Iraq war


The paper analyses the current crisis of North-American left and the fighting perspective, on the part of social movements, to defend the public sphere against the neo-liberals and the imperialists from globalized capitalism which aims at the consolidation of an unipolar public domain and the conquering of new markets. In such perspective, it focus on the invasion of Iraq as a strategy to “liberate” this country for corporate investment and control on the part of Americans, revealing a symbiotic process between capitalism and imperialism, disguised as democracy. Such a tendency has become salient during the last two centuries, through the invasions of Cuba, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, Haiti, Colombia, Grenada and Panama, which represents an attack on the forces that are trying to build a fairer and more egalitarian society: the working classes of the under-developed countries. The paper has the intention to start a dialogue with progressive educators, who have been silenced and domesticated by the conservative organizations, challenging them to revitalize their political roots and their role in the left side of the civil society.


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