on senses and authorship in virtual environments

  • Heloisa Salles Gentil
Keywords: Virtual environments, Senses, Authorship, Educative practices


This article presents a reflection as to the experience like participant of a discipline offered by the Pos Graduation Program of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, which special characteristic was the fact of having been offered based on the use of long distance communication technologies. The subject of the discipline was the construction of senses and authorship in virtual environments, configuration that made possible to the participants such a discussed relation between theory and practice. We were studying what we were doing, simultaneously. Authors like Bakhtin, Orlandi, Lévy, Axt and Maraschin supported theoretically the discussions produced in the seminar and made possible reflections about the relations that we established with the technologies, the uses what we do from them and of which it sorts that out in it leads to modifications in us ourselves and in our practices. They are countless questions about the means opened by the virtual environments for educative practices in the contemporaneousness.


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