• Jacqueline Zapata
Keywords: Education, Wisdom, Liberty, Life, The other, Ethics of love, Goodness, Fraternity


This text invites to meet the education that is wisdom and liberty po-et(h)ics. Wisdom that is born out of love – love that is poem, chant, dance of life –, liberty rooted in fraternity, in goodness. In original goodness – inner tissue, unavoidable of the human being in which is connected – responsible to the other. It is a text that calls to the education free of all interest in its origin. To the education (that can’t be taken as mere instruction, simple schooling, banal training) that, away from answering the epistemic-political-economic totalitarian imperatives – of biopower –, corresponds, as po-et(h)ics justice, to life’s miracle – of each child that is born into this world. That’s the education that pays attention, that answers the call of life; it’s the one that gives shelter and is responsible by the opening of spaces where its goodness and truth can shine. Irrefutable, uncatchable, unspeakable truth. Truth that when happens (would) change the world, (would) recreate history. In other words, this text mark allows to feel the tune, the radiant color of the horizon where education, as wisdom in the shape of love and fraternal liberty, po-et(h)ics, admires and correspond to dignity of goodness, of life truth. Education which is, by principles, concern, commitment, responsibility, proximity, sympathy, respect and non- ndifference. Non-indifference which is fraternity, original goodness, so characteristic of who is “of another way of being”, strict immanence egologic. Of who are distinction and over abundance; the children and youngers of our land. It has to be said that this dash of educative knowledge is enduring the saying and thinking heuristics – wonderful – of Jorge Larrosa, Hannah Arendt and Emmanuel Levinas. 


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