interaction and oral language in school

  • Flávia Pansini
  • Marli L. Tonatto Zibetti
Keywords: Literacy, Oral language, Pedagogical Practice, Interaction


This article presents partial results obtained in a research project developed in the year of 2006 as part of the Lato Sensu Pos Graduation Program in Literacy offered by the Federal University of Rondônia, having as fundamental concern the relations among literacy events in the social and school context of two classes of the Fundamental Teaching in the County of Rolim de Moura/Rondônia. In this text we approach the use of the oral language and the interactions occurred in classroom. Based on the carried out analysis, as well as on the theoretical support on literacy and dialogistic we argue that the development of a practice through which the students have chances to dialogue and to interact among themselves, and still interact with the text, is one of the challenges to be faced by the teachers for a propose of a critic literacy.


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