analysis of deaf literature

  • Lodenir Becker Karnopp
Keywords: Libras, Deaf People, Deaf Culture, Deaf Literature


This paper presents research data on narratives and stories published about deaf people and sign language. Analysis of story records aims at contributing to the discussion relative to deaf literature, thus enhancing the potential of knowledge production in this area. Criteria for analysis of printed books was selection of books on deafness, sign language and/or deaf people, considering publications after 2000, period in which there was an intense discussion on sign language and deaf culture in Brazil. Not all books presenting deaf characters or using deafness as main theme belong to deaf literature. Analysis of story records showed that some of the produced books refer to use of sign language, but not within the context of belonging to a deaf community. Representations of deaf people associated with the idea of overcoming or compensating deafness are present in some of the material analyzed. However, other books focus on use of sign language by deaf people, cultural belonging, the issue of deaf identity and culture, present in texts and/or images. From the analyzed material it can be seen that deaf people who are story tellers search for self-representation in their struggle to establish what they recognize as their identities, through legitimacy of their language, forms of narrating stories, forms of existence, forms of reading, translating, conceiving and judging the cultural products they consume and produce.


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