Student's Perception of the Occupational Therapy Course at the State University of Pará

  • Enise Cássia Abdo Najjar
  • Laura Maria Silva Araújo Alves
Keywords: Research, Abilities, Learning, Occupacional Therapy


The purpose of this study was to investigate student’s perception of the course in Occupational Therapy about the activities of research on graduation and realize a diagnosis around the research abilities in these students. 46 students responded to two questionnaires containing forced and freeresponse questions. The data revealed that research abilities related to planning and the investigative process; however abilities involved in writing the final research report were poorly developed. In conclusion, a number of actions are necessary to improve research skills in graduations: the development of a “research culture” within the university, access to bibliographic sources at the library and on the internet; qualified teachers, a more systematic teaching-learning process, and the active participation of students in academic research.


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