portfolio as a proposal

  • Mírian Barbosa Tavares Raposo
  • Marilda Lemos da Silva
Keywords: assessment, teaching-learning process, portfolio, high school


This article represents the synthesis of a monographic research organized at University of Brasilia which aimed analyzing the use of portfolio as an instrument for comtemplation, assessment and knowledge construction in the way of contributing with the student development as a whole. The research was developed in a high school located in Brasilia and had as a core participant a chemistry teacher who uses portfolio as a pedagogical tool on her teaching activity. Based on the methodologicaltheoretical assumptions of qualitative research, interview and document analysis were used as instruments to collect data. The co-constructed information offered important reference to achieving research's goals and conducted to three categories of analysis, which is considered to be the main contribution of this study. They are described as: pedagogical time management; interdisciplinarity; and teacher training.


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