empowering and identity in the city of Belem

  • Diogo Jorge de Melo
  • Vinicius de Moraes Monção
  • Mônica Gouveia dos Santos
  • Luciana Cristina de Oliveira Azulai
Keywords: Archeology, Marajoara, Tapajônica, Ceramics, Belém


This work aims at acknowledging the representation of archaeological cultures in the city of Belém (Pará, Brasil), such as the Marajoara, Tapajônica e Maracá cultures. We recognize this phenomenon as constitutive of a local identity, popularly known as “Marajoara”, including artistic and aesthetic manifestations, present in architecture, museums and craft. This is only possible due to the existance of archaeological sites in the state of Pará and also by the archaeological collections of Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. A good example of such manifestation is the history of ceramist Raimundo Cardoso (1930-2006), first artisan to develop of these artifacts.


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