the difficult paths in education Xavante

  • Luiz Augusto Passos
  • Maria Aparecida Rezende
Keywords: Training Female, Cultural Education, Methodological Paths


This text presents two important aspects interconnected to education: the worry Xavante old women with the continuity of the female formation within the youngest generation; and to describe the methodological paths built by this women to achieve “the young women’s heart”. This text instates the research with women from the Indigenous Land Pimentel Barbosa, located in: Ribeirão Cascalheira and Canarana, Mato Grosso Estate (Brazil). The research has the merleaupontian phenomenological and ethnographic character. By phenomenology from Merleau- Ponty and Capalbo, we describe events and phenomenons, and how they show themselves in dialogues by our point of view. Thereby, this work turned to the analysis of what the reseacher lived and his/her experiences with Xavante women. The ethnology of Geertz is a dense description seeking revealing cores. The methodology was participant observation into the “open research”, which it is possible to register freely the observations, the lived experiences and all the significant information. We expected that the written record  bout everyday life is significant to older women and younger women to follow their paths as women in the spirit A’uwẽ Uptabi (real people).


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