the esthetic dimension shaping the autobiographic processes

  • Margaréte May Berkenbrock-Rosito
Keywords: Imaginary, Shaping Processes, Esthetic Education


The article focus on the esthetic dimension of the autobiographic shaping processes, an epistemiologic and methodological process, materialized in the elaboration of the quilt preparation Aims to contribute to the understanding of the Educational Imaginary investigational field (ARAÚJO E ARAÚJO, 2009). The adopted theoretical references are based on the work of Adorno, focusing the comprehension of the esthetic parameters of the culture industry and culture massification, as well as on Freire´s work as far as the criticism to the “bank education” is concerned and the search to overwhelm, by the esthetic and epistemiologic curiosity, the conscious way provided by the esthetic education. Approaches to Schiller in terms of the esthetic dimension of the sensitive, as well as of the reason, in theshaping autobiographic processes. These authors convey to the conception of the education process in which the subject builds his esthetic values and develops his autonomy and emancipation as a result of the reflection capability, imagination, choice and criticism, what involves ethics and moral, shown during the entire process of shaping the historic subject.


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