the teaching action and its implications in the self-concept of a student of middle school

  • Andreia Sotoriva Damke
  • Josiane Peres Gonçalves
Keywords: Learning, Evaluation, Self-concept


This research discusses the relationship between learning, evaluation and self-concept of the students, especially the case of a student of third year of Middle School. In this context, we explore important issues to understand the subject, such as: What does it mean to evaluate? What are the implications of evaluations practices for student’s development? What is the relationship between the experiences of learning evaluation and self concept? Based on the educational literature, we analyse teacher action regarding evaluation and its relationship with the selfconcept and the performance of the student researched. At the end, we systematize some important elements about which teachers can reflect, such as the evaluation practices, that represent interaction, and learning possibilities, through what the students can build a positive self-concept; and their impact in the formation of self-concept in the students development and learning.


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