entre aprendizagens e criações

  • Samuel E. L. Bello
  • Paola Zordan
  • Diego Marques
Keywords: Signs, Creation, Deleuze, Learning


This article maps briefly some elements that compose the notion of sing by considering
mainly its power to generate knowledge. Distinct notions of sing such as Saussure, Morris,
Pierce, Hjelmslev, Bakhtin are presented initially in order to direct our study towards the
question of knowledge production from the signs, which is understood how learning is
supposed to be by Deleuze. This brief study about the main classifications of signs is not
merely descriptive; it refers to the importance of the dynamics that impose typologies, either
internally or externally. When it questions the sign's relationship with his interpretation, a
process known at times as semiotic, signification and, for others, pragmatic, we also bring the
perspective of the difference, which interpret implies composing elements emanated from
sings in a creation.


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