understanding the practices of faculty at the Eduardo Mondlane University - School of Education – Moçambique

  • Miguel Alfredo Orth
  • Janete Otte
  • Rosária Ilgenfritz Sperotto
Keywords: Digital Education Technologies, Eduardo Mondlane University, Teacher training, Education Media


This project discusses information obtained from our field research at the Eduardo Mondlane University of Moçambique, Africa. This is part of the TEDUCA project – Digital Educational Technology: Transnational and Interinstitutional Cooperation in the production of Education Knowledge and Teacher Training. The topic discusses the use and perception of the teachers in relation to the use of media in education. Methodologically we worked with a bibliographic review and a field research using questionnaires and interviews with teachers and administrators. Rest settled there is an understanding from the personnel involved that the use of media in the educational area is important, however, the demand of qualification for its usage, the inadequacy of a reliable network connection and the lack of culture and its diffusion, restrains its appliance.


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