educating from thinking and memory

  • Helena Maria Marques Araújo
  • Monique Marques Longo
Keywords: Thought, Memory, Prejudice, Teacher training


One of the challanges that comes across the day-to-day life of schools nowadays lies in the mediation of conflicts generated by prejudice against identity groups historically discoursed in unequal ways. This paper proposes to understand the practical possibilities of the “status of thought” (ARENDT, 2008) and the promotion of happy memories (RICOEUR, 2007) in deconstructing hierarchies that foster discriminatory attitudes in schools. It is a study of a theoretical nature that uses the threads of philosophy, and whose initial questions emerged from the practical knowledge of two teachers at a public university in Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). It was considered that understanding and recalling historically subalternized identities, based on the aforementioned theoretical contributions, would be acts relevant to the practices of deconstruction of the various facets of the prejudice promoted and practiced in shools.


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