learnings of a whole life

  • Isabela Camini
Keywords: Pedagogical letters, Paulo Freire, Mankind, Memories


Pedagogical Letters – “learnings of a lifetime” reminds us of the importance of making a critical and propositive evaluation of our life’s trajectory and also of pedagogical practices inspired by the “Educator of People” who crossed frontiers to meet oppressed people. He challenges us to get to know fighters such as Eloise and Abelard, Che Guevara, Rosa Luxemburgo, Olga Benário, Frei Betto and others who sought to keep alive the mystical power of their interior, writing letters in the most challenging periods, when they were exiled or imprisoned by dictatorships. Undoubtedly, all celebrations of Paulo Freire’s 100th birthday, conducted everywhere in the world, raised in me the desire to revisit the memories of childhood, adolescence, youth and adult life, when I occupied myself by writing letters. When I start reading the letters of those who taught mankind, I felt strongly beating inside my chest the certainty that I was on the right path. This learning made me become the educator, militant and researcher that I am. The text intends to be a dialogue with readers’s (men and women) life experiences


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