"Dear teachers"

the theme of woman in Paulo Freire's life and work

  • Balduino Antonio Andreola
Keywords: Gender, Woman, Sexism, Oppression


The text’s main argument, when we mention women’s condition in Paulo Freire’s writings, is that it’s useless to choose changing gramatic, in an artificial, burocratical and authoritarian way because it will not be this attitude
the one that is going to change reality. In the case of gendre problems, discrimination, domination, women’s oppression by men, in a multimilenial misoginism culture, our struggle has to be in order to changing the oppressive
reality. Language, with its anacronical and authoritary gramatic will also change. This was Freire’s purpose and this is thousand people’s struggle – people who do not repeat Freire, but recreate him, according to what he said in one of his last interviews: “It’s up to you to invent new pedagogies”.


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