ways of teaching and learning in reading instruction

  • Rejane Ramos Klein
  • Darlize Teixeira de Mello
Keywords: In/excluding practices, Teaching, Learning


This article discusses the teaching and learning processes for the early school years. It takes a criticai look at guiding public policies to the pedagogical act for this teaching levei, highlighting processes of reading and writing [literacyl, so as to problematize particular 'truths' emerging in the mainstream discourses, shaping pedagogical knowledge that define in/excluding practices. It seeks to identify how 'speeches' and 'materiais' have produced literacy students' performance or not, and so defined teachers' profiles and teaching practices. Drawing on Lopes; Fabris (2013) and Werle (2010) we seek to problematize particular in/excluding practices that have helped us to question standard pedagogical strategies in public policies. These strategies produce practices that include students, but also exclude them when they point to individual questions and curricular flexibilization.


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