• Cláudio Aleixo Rocha
Keywords: Socially Engaged Graphic Design, Critical Illustration, Graphic Design, Visual Culture


The purpose of the article is to theoretically dis
cuss the concept of socially engaged graphic design
and expose how critical illustration can be thought
and materialized from this concept. Another point
addressed by the work concerns the importance of
teaching socially engaged graphic design and the
principles of critical illustration in the training of
Brazilian graphic designers. Such notes are exem
plified in the works of different illustrators who
publicize their visual projects in the online envi
ronment. Both use critical illustration as a way of
questioning and engaging in different social causes.
Their creative processes have in common the use
of the re-appropriation of images that circulate in
the social, cultural and market environment. The
project “Anti-Logo”, critical illustrations by desig
ners Eduardo Salles, Adel Banfeel, Marco Melgrati
and graphic artist Pawel Kuczynsk were chosen for
this article.


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Linguagens do Design: comunicação, cultura e arte