• Betina Rezende de Castro
  • Leticia Pedruzzi Fonseca
Keywords: Gay, Newspaper, Graphic memory, Lampião da Esquina


This article aims to analyze 41 editions of the first
Brazilian homosexual newspaper, Lampião da
Esquina, studying its editorial and graphic project.
The journal first appeared in Rio de Janeiro in the
1970’s and its intention was to present the Brazilian
gay movement graphic’s history. Also, it showed
social movements standing up to the dictatorship
and creating alternatives press. The newspaper cir
culated throughout the country from 1979 to 1981
and addressed issues such as abortion, feminism,
homosexuality and transsexuality, giving voice to
a marginalized minority. From the analysis carried
out, it was possible to know its main themes and
sections and how its graphic elements were ma
tch to construct its visual discourse. There was a
wide use of typographic families and its variations,
combining a formal language for dense subjects
and informal and good-natured constructions to
break paradigms. In addition, it was possible to
verified its covers constructed as posters, the use
of photographs and illustrations as a way of tracing
the homosexual profile that the newspaper aimed
to present and, still, the role of advertisements as
financing for the publication and to give visibility to
products and services for LBGTQIA+ public


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KUCINSKI, Bernardo. Jornalistas e Revolucionários. 1ª edição. São Paulo: Página Aberta, 1991.

SEABRA, Roberto; SOUSA, Vivaldo. Jornalismo Político. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2006.

SILVA, Alessandro. Luta, resistência e cidadania: uma análise psicopolítica dos movimentos e paradas do orgulho LGBT. Curitiba: Juruá, 2008.


FERREIRA, Carlos. Imprensa Homossexual: Surge o Lampião da Esquina. Revista Alterjor, São Paulo, v.1, n. 1, p. 1-12. 2010.

FONSECA, Letícia Pedruzzi, GOMES, Daniel Dutra; CAMPOS, Adriana Pereira. Conjunto Metodológico para Pesquisa em História do Design a partir de Materiais Impressos. In: Revista Brasileira de Design da Informação, São Paulo, InfoDesign, v.13, n.2, p. 143-161, 2016.

Trabalho apresentado em Evento

DUTRA, Thiago Luiz Mendes; FONSECA, Letícia Pedruzzi; "Graphic memory of newspaper Posição". In: 6 CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE DESIGN DA INFORMAÇÃO. São Paulo, 2014. Proceedings of the 6th Information Design International Conference [Blucher Design Proceedings, num.2, vol.1]. São Paulo: Blucher, 2014, p. 1754-1760.

Documentos eletrônicos

GRUPO DIGNIDADE. Acervo digital do jornal Lampião da Esquina. Disponível em . Acesso em: 19 jul. 2019.

O DIA. Jornal do Commercio fecha as portas. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 20 jul. 2019.

VIDAL, Graziele. Grupo Dignidade é referência em proteção dos Direitos Humanos LGBT. SESI-PR. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 16 de junho de 2019.
Linguagens do Design: comunicação, cultura e arte