• Ana Célia Carneiro Oliveira
  • Nadja Maria Mourão
Keywords: Social design, Biographical objects, Social memory, Community


The article presents a reflection on the reading
and re - reading of biographical objects, family
memories and the stories and possible stories
that bring intangible values to objects, values
transferred from one generation to another.
Objects that speak about past affective building
experiences. It seeks to investigate and identify
some objects related to human life in urban
context and to report the passage of these
objects in contemporary history. The goods we
have conserved for decades can be considered
mirrors of our experiences of the passage of
time. The methodology of the research, after the
bibliographic reviews, analyzes the terms used
in the research as: design for social innovation;
culture, identity and memory; belonging and the
sustainable value of saving and caring. In a case
study, in the municipality of Matozinhos, we
observe the cultural events, local characters and
the patrimony. After selection of the study group,
lectures and workshops on cultural memory and
material and immaterial heritage of the region
are held for young people and adults. Among the
results, the community’s relationship with cultural
events and the development of artisanal products
are recorded. There is a potential for appreciation
of culture, through cultural memory related to


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