O Uso do Sorteio para a Escolha de Candidatos uma análise das experiências do PASOK (Grécia) e do MORENA (México)

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André Rubião


This article analyzes two experiences involving sortition in choosing candidates for
elective positions. The first occurred in 2006, when the Greek party PASOK gathered a
representative sample of citizens to select their candidate for Marusi prefecture. The second
occurred in 2015, when the Mexican party MORENA randomly selected some candidates from the
electoral list to run for federal office. Based on the methodology of reconstructing social processes
and bibliographic analysis, this article shows the dynamics around these case studies and how they
are inserted in a global context of return to the use of sortition in democracy. The article argues that
the random selection of citizens brings a gain of legitimacy and that the initiatives of PASOK and
MORENA are interesting examples in the choice of candidates, especially for mitigating some
perverse effects linked to the phenomenon of verticalization in political parties.


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How to Cite
Rubião, A. (2021). O Uso do Sorteio para a Escolha de Candidatos: uma análise das experiências do PASOK (Grécia) e do MORENA (México). Revista Sul-Americana De Ciência Política, 7(1), 1-17. Retrieved from https://revistas.ufpel.edu.br/index.php/Sul/article/view/27


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