A Internacionalização do Confronto Dinâmicas de Protestos para Além das Fronteiras

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Gabriel Guerra Duarte


This study aims to map the various mechanisms of internationalization of political contentious and tactics of
protest, pointing out the different ways of expansion of collective action across national borders. Acting in this
dynamic, there are different political actors, especially social movements and activist networks. Analyzing a literature
of social movements focused on “Politics of Contentious”, the article aims to create an panoramic overview to
understand how political dynamics affect transnational collective and contentious action, and as political actors with
more flexible and inclusive organization stand out in this scenario.


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How to Cite
Guerra Duarte, G. (2021). A Internacionalização do Confronto: Dinâmicas de Protestos para Além das Fronteiras. Revista Sul-Americana De Ciência Política, 1(2), 64-79. Retrieved from https://revistas.ufpel.edu.br/index.php/Sul/article/view/187
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