Achievements and Challenges of the Nonviolent Movement in Syria

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María Belén Garrido
Cécile Mouly


This paper uses insights from the literature on nonviolent movements against dictatorships to analyse the
main achievements and challenges of the nonviolent movement in Syria since the beginning of mass protests in 2011. It
begins with reviewing the nonviolent strategies used by the movement to protest against the regime and evaluating their
impact. It then assesses the challenges encountered by the movement, including its internal fragmentation, its
insufficient strategic planning, the growing use of violent opposition tactics, the army’s continuing allegiance to the
regime, and outside interference. Finally, it concludes that the Syrian nonviolent movement overcame some of these,
demonstrating its resilience and the possibility for it to play a role in reducing polarization among society and paving
the way for a more inclusive transition.



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How to Cite
Belén Garrido, M., & Mouly, C. (2021). Achievements and Challenges of the Nonviolent Movement in Syria. Revista Sul-Americana De Ciência Política, 1(2), 38-50. Retrieved from
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