The Construction of the Status of “Victim” through the Victims and Land Restitution Law in Colombia (re)encounters and confrontations with a legal category

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Alma Cielo Ochoa Sterling


Studying the victim as an object of analysis in the social and political sciences has produced
many epistemological debates. In the present work, we try to study the construction of the status of
the victim through a specific legal dispositif: The Law of Victims and Restitution Of Lands in
Colombia (VRLV, Law 1448 of 2011). We will ask ourselves: how does the legal dispositif produce
“the victim”? Accordingly, we will analyse how the construction of the victim's status not only passes
through the self-identification of the individual as a victim, and through the recognition of the victim
by the government but is also included in a process of collective and contested victimization. This process of victimization encompasses a series of encounters and confrontations between the dispositif
and the actors of the “victim’s” universe. In said victimisation process there is a struggle of knowledge
(of what) and powers, which call into question the definition of violence in post-conflict societies.


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How to Cite
Ochoa Sterling, A. C. (2021). The Construction of the Status of “Victim” through the Victims and Land Restitution Law in Colombia: (re)encounters and confrontations with a legal category. Revista Sul-Americana De Ciência Política, 5(1), 109-123. Retrieved from


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