Cadernos de Educação <p><span lang="PT">Cadernos de educação</span><span class="apple-converted-space"><span lang="PT">&nbsp;</span></span><span lang="PT">é uma publicação semestral da Faculdade de Educação (FAE) e do Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação (PPGE) da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPEL). Criada em 1992, buscou sempre desempenhar a tarefa de socializar conhecimentos relevantes, produzidos nos níveis local, nacional e internacional. A partir do quadragésimo quarto número, em 2013,<span class="apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span>Cadernos de Educação</span><span class="apple-converted-space"><span lang="PT">&nbsp;</span></span><span lang="PT">converteu-se em uma publicação exclusivamente eletrônica, garantindo seu funcionamento e sua continuidade como meio de divulgação científica e acadêmica na área da educação.</span></p> <p><span lang="PT">As submissões estão sendo recebidas através do link:</span></p> pt-BR (Cadernos de Educação) (Caroline Fernanda Costa Schneidt) Tue, 14 Mar 2023 00:00:00 -0300 OJS 60 AN ANALYSIS OF PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICES AIMED AT STUDENTS WITH DYSLEXIA FROM A CINEMATOGRAPHIC REFLECTION <p>This article analyzes the film “like stars on earth every child is special”, based on a reflection on pedagogical practices and the teacher’s affectionate approach to children with dyslexia, in the Brazilian educational context. We present the importance of the teacher’s gaze and affection toward his students, establishing a relationship that will rescue them. This is in the Indian feature film denoting the relevance of the teacher interested in their students. In the fifth section we present the pedagogical practices that Nikumbh, Ishaan’s teacher uses with the boy, showing the relevance of specific practices for children with dyslexia.<br>We emphasize that the dyslexia theme needs to be widely discussed in the educational field, so that there is a closer look at the specifics of this audience.</p> Mirela Lopes de Castro, Tícia Cassiany Ferro Cavalcante, Viviany Andrea Meireles Alves Copyright (c) HISTORICAL DETERMINATIONS ABOUT THE CURRICULUM-SCHOOL FAILURE RELATIONSHIP IN THE BRAZILIAN EDUCATIONAL CONTEXT <p>This investigation aims to relate the curriculum field to studies on the phenomenon of school failure.. It comprises three sections oriented: i) to understanding the cultural lack theory, particularly in the 1960s and 1979s; ii) to the demarcation of the responses assumed by the North American curriculum theorists, both to the idea of the technical-linear curriculum and to the meaning deposited in the thesis of cultural lack; and iii) to the apprehension of a movement to update the cultural lack theory based on the cultural difference synthesis. It is concluded that the school disobligation thesis of the responsibility for school failure is shared by both theories investigated.</p> Júlio César Maia Copyright (c) WORLD BANK AND EDUCATION <p>This work discusses an over view of academic production on the World Bank and Education from a bibliometric approach. The Scopus database was chosen as a secondary search source. The database resulting from the search was refined in three stages: a) analysis of titles, b) number of citations and c) availability of articles for free access, resulting in a corpus N=56. The analysis was based on criteria of the authors’ scientific activity, impact of the productions and thematic associations, supported by data processing through the VOSviewer Software. The results expressed in the form of chronological distribution, main thematic interrelationships and identification of authorship and influence networks constitute important contributions of this study.</p> Ivanilso Santos da Silva Copyright (c) SCHOOL FUND AND LUNCH <p>This article aims to highlight the role of the school fund as a pillar in the acquisition of subsidies to maintain the food supply in public schools in the period when school lunches had not yet been established and later, as the entity remained active in this scenario. An approach is presented in which the Santo Antônio school group is a space for the materialization of the proposal. To do so, we will use documents and records about the local association, as well as interviews with former lunch ladies who worked in the school group. In addition to the social importance of the school fund, the invaluable community participation in the embodiment of food distribution to students is explained.</p> Débora Ferreira Borges Barbosa, Ademilson Batista Paes Copyright (c) BRAZILIAN RESEARCH ON BEGINNING TEACHERS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION <p>This paper maps, through bibliographical research, studies produced in Brazil, between 1996-2018, that deal with the theme of beginning teachers in Early Childhood Education. We sought to highlight the contributions of these studies to subsidize support programs for teachers who enter the profession in day care centers and preschools. In general, the analyzed studies bring contributions to the understanding of aspects related to the experiences of teachers who start their career in Early Childhood Education. The survey indicates the need for studies that investigate programs for insertion into teaching in Early Childhood Education.</p> Maévi Anabel Nono Copyright (c) LAUGHTER AND CARNIVALIZATION IN THE TIME-SPACE OF THE CLASSROOM <p>The article problematizes the laughter of young people in the classroom, considering discursive intonations laden with irony and mockery. We have borrowed from Bakhtin's literary analysis of Rabelais' work his propositions about the popular carnival. Through a dialogic approach to discourse, we retrieve data from research carried out in a municipal school on the outskirts of Campinas-SP. The analysis explains how the situations of laughter and humor act by questioning and subverting the hegemonic order and putting different ideological positions in debate. In this way, school time-space is experienced as a carnivalesque chronotope of the classroom, enabling young people to think about everyday life while projecting an utopian world.</p> Juliana Soares de Oliveira, Ana Lúcia Horta Nogueira Copyright (c) TEACHING PLANNING AS PART OF LEARNING TO BE A TEACHER <p>In this paper, we aim to analyze how graduates of a degree course in Letters approach teaching planning in their projects and internship reports. We performed a qualitative, interpretative and documentary research, and the corpus was composed by projects and internship reports of 12 subjects. We conclude that the undergraduates: mapped the context of action; used different sources to establish the contents to be taught; established partnerships with supervising teachers; did not use the textbook as a basis for planning; had to make changes to the initial design; and reaffirmed the value and role of planning for their performance.</p> Bárbara Larissa Braz de Melo, Juliana Ribeiro do Carmo Freitas, Lívia Suassuna Copyright (c) SPELLING ANALYSIS IN TEXTS OF THE ENEM <p>The aim of this article is to identify, categorize and quantify spelling errors in essays by candidates for the 2018 Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem). As a methodology, the quali-quantitative approach was used (PAIVA, 2019). The theoretical framework of this research was based on the Theory of Integration of Multiple Patterns – IMP (TREIMAN; KESSLER, 2014; 2021). As a result, spelling errors were found at the segmental and suprasegmental levels. Such errors point to the need to work with spelling through systematized and reflective didactic practices that lead students to reflect on their own language.</p> Daniela Mara Lima Oliveira Guimarães, Ana Luiza de Souza Couto, Luíza Vignoli Lacerda Copyright (c) Reflections on academic authorial writing: <p>The objective is to rethink the authorial question in academic productions and in ourselves, and for this we made use of essay writing in the politics of narrativity. A temporary shelter-concept was produced which was called: endosymbiotic anthropophagy based on the social anthropophagic concept aligned to the biological endosymbiosis. We hope to have added lines to the theoretical fabric produced by the scientific community, as well as to have provoked other reflections for new and vigorous research.</p> Leandro Barreto Dutra, Elizabeth Antonia Leonel de Moraes Martines Copyright (c) 2023 Cadernos de Educação Mon, 12 Jun 2023 09:42:26 -0300 Experiences with the cultural curriculum of Physical Education in Child Education <p>The purpose of this study was to analyze documented experiences with the cultural curriculum of Physical Education in Child Education. This is a bibliographical research where a descriptive-analytical gesture was composed from four book chapters, two dissertations, one thesis and 16 practice reports, produced between 2006 and 2021, available in the Grupo de Pesquisas em Educação Física Escolar (GPEF/FE-USP) repository. The results show experiences close to contemporary propositions made by the social studies of childhood which place babies and small children as makers of culture with rights that can/must to listened to and have their voices considered in society and in educational practices.</p> Leonardo Leonardo de Carvalho Duarte, Marcos Garcia Neira Copyright (c) 2023 Cadernos de Educação Mon, 10 Jul 2023 11:37:33 -0300 The participation of women in prominent positions in the scientific career <p>Despite their participation in various sciences, women are still in the minority in positions of power and recognition, in whatever field they work in. Thus, the objective of this essay is to present an overview of the participation of women in some of these positions in the areas of mathematics, physics and chemistry, in the world and in Brazil, as well as reflections on the challenges faced by them throughout their scientific careers.</p> Aparecida da Silva Xavier Barros, Thelma Panerai Alves Copyright (c) 2023 Cadernos de Educação Mon, 10 Jul 2023 11:52:50 -0300 Audio description as Assistive Technology for Communicational Accessibility in a Virtual Education Event <p>This report presents the stages of audio description production, the importance of consulting a visually impaired person and the dynamics of an accessibility commission of “14th ANPEd Meeting – Southeast - Right to life, right to education in times of pandemic”. The descriptive methodology identified the need to adapt the instruments for publicizing and holding the event, such as accessing the website and publicity videos, in addition to informative cards and book covers for the launch. We consider that working with accessibility resources from the planning of the event is an advance towards the inclusion of people with disabilities.<strong>&nbsp; </strong></p> Luciana Tavares Perdigão , Felipe Vieira Monteiro , Ediclea Mascarenhas Fernandes Copyright (c) 2023 Cadernos de Educação Wed, 30 Aug 2023 10:39:19 -0300 AN INVITATION TO PLAY <p>This text is a critical review of the book 'Physical Education through the Pedagogy of Corporality: an invitation to play', written by Pierre Normando Gomes-da-Silva, author who has been approaching Physical Education through pragmatic and ontological language and who theorizes the Pedagogy of Corporality as a teaching and research method, which can be applied in education and health. The book is an invitation for teacher-readers to join him in the game of teaching, in a lighter, fun, systematic, critical and creative way, in short, in a more intelligent and healthy way.</p> Samara Queiroz do Nascimento Florêncio, Josiane Barbosa de Vasconcelos, Isnaldo Florêncio Araújo Júnior Copyright (c) RESENHA <p>Resenha do livro intitulado “Cultura Escolar em Perspectiva Democrática: saberes e práticas”.</p> Hesley Sant’ana Salustiano Copyright (c) 2023 Cadernos de Educação Mon, 17 Jul 2023 09:35:27 -0300 APRESENTAÇÃO <p>Investigar instituições representa compreendê-las nas suas mais complexas relações sociais. Como o próprio termo indica, se refere ao instituído, trata-se de entidades que asseguram elementos centrais de uma sociedade e que se identificam em diferentes áreas que compõem o tecido social, como política, economia, cultura e a educação. O dossiê propõe acolher pesquisas que analisam os processos de transformações ocorridas no campo da historiografia da educação, as perspectivas teóricas e metodológicas no procedimento de pesquisas sobre instituições escolares e o patrimônio cultural e histórico educativo. Nesse sentido, as investigações que analisam práticas e culturas desenvolvidos em distintos espaços e tempos, a continuidade e descontinuidade dos processos de escolarização formal desenvolvidos em: colégios, grupos escolares, escolas étnicas e comunitárias, escolas isoladas; bem como se interessa pelos estudos do cotidiano, dos modos de fazer, de organizar e ainda das relações entre cultura da escola e cultura material escolar; dos fundamentos da Cultura Escolar; das contribuições da Cultura Escolar no ensino e na pesquisa histórica como produção de memória e do patrimônio histórico, cultural e educativo. Além disso, serão recebidos artigos que compreendam o patrimônio como bens culturais, uma vez que se encontram em constante processo de construção e reconstrução, compreendendo os usos, expressões, conhecimentos, técnicas, objetos, artefatos que produzem os diferentes grupos sociais na vida em comunidade.</p> José Edimar de Souza, Fabiano Quadros Rückert, Rodrigo Luís dos Santos Copyright (c) 2023 Cadernos de Educação Mon, 17 Jul 2023 09:21:06 -0300 ENTREVISTA <p>Entrevista com o professor Óscar Saldarriaga Vélez.</p> José Edimar de Souza Copyright (c) 2023 Cadernos de Educação Mon, 17 Jul 2023 11:21:33 -0300 Which school should you send your children to? <p>The aim of this article is to map doctrinal, ideological, and pedagogical behaviors present in the school culture of two urban <em>Deutsche Schulen</em> (German Schools), school institutions located in the cities of Pelotas, Brazil and Buenos Aires, Argentina (1900-1930). The main sources are Commemorative Jubilee Reports of the two institutions. This is a bibliographic, documental and qualitative research that uses the theoretical-epistemological references of Cultural History and Connected History. School culture and ethnic traditions with a view to the continuity of Deutschtum merged synchronously with the daily life of German-Brazilian and German Argentine students in the early 20th century.</p> Maria Angela Peter da Fonseca, Elomar Antonio Callegaro Tambara Copyright (c) 2023 Cadernos de Educação Fri, 14 Jul 2023 14:25:33 -0300 School Printed Materials and the Catholic Religion: <p>This article aims to present the results of a systematic review in the field of History of Education, referring to school printed materials and their connection with the Catholic religion. In the surveyed scientific production, it was analyzed the theoretical references adopted, the focus given and the regions of the country that brought the theme. In the present investigation, we chose to use the Sumarize systematic review software. The results indicate that the most mobilized references were linked to Cultural History, and that there is a strong presence of contents informed by a catholic perspective in school printed materials, and this concentration is greater in the southern region of the country.</p> Cristian Lopez Gomes, Jacira Helena do Valle Pereira Assis Copyright (c) 2023 Cadernos de Educação Fri, 14 Jul 2023 14:43:56 -0300 Pro-Education Campaign and the Pelotense Black Front: <p>The present research investigates the Pro-Education Campaign published in the local black press journal A Alvorada in the period 1933-1936. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the right to education through the struggle undertaken by black associations in the city of Pelotas in the face of a policy of social and racial exclusion of the afrodescendant population in schools. It was possible to verify that the campaign was devised by black journalists and the Pelotas Black Front in order to create schools and financially assist parents who were unable to enroll their children in schools in Pelotas.</p> Natália Garcia Pinto, Adriana Adriana Duarte Leon Copyright (c) 2023 Cadernos de Educação Fri, 14 Jul 2023 15:03:51 -0300 School Group Teacher Maria Edith Selbach and Final Exams (1934-1945) <p>This article analyzed the school culture from the final exams in the School Group Teacher Maria Edith Selbach, Vila Barão, at the time municipality of Montenegro/RS, between the years 1937 and 1945. The main objective was to investigate the practices attributed, with regard to the knowledge and rituals of the final exams. The sources were books and minutes written by principals and teachers. It is concluded that the group was marked by evaluative practices applied quarterly, and at the end of the year, through the final exams. Students who achieved outstanding results were awarded prizes.</p> Fernanda Rodrigues Zanatta, Terciane Ângela Luchese Copyright (c) 2023 Cadernos de Educação Fri, 14 Jul 2023 15:27:16 -0300 The school groups: <p>The present work presents a literature review study carried out in periodicals of History of Education, History and Education with the theme about school groups. Texts between 2010 and 2020 were researched, and the systematization of the information found allowed elaborating a vision regarding the research possibilities, methodology and sources used in research on school groups.</p> Samanta Vanz, José Edimar de Souza Copyright (c) 2023 Cadernos de Educação Fri, 14 Jul 2023 15:48:09 -0300 The Gymnasio of Bahia: <p>In the light of Cultural History, the documentary research sought to historicize the institutionalization of the Gymnasio of Bahia, which was built in order to meet the political and educational desires of a Bahia elite, reflecting on the discourses of the subjects that circulated in newspapers and books around the institution as a cult space of knowledge, popularly known as “place of prizes and awards”. The analysis of the creation and the institutional path allows us to think about the Bahian context and its population in formation via the defense of secondary education as a condition of prestige, distinction, and social belonging.</p> Iure Alcântara dos Santos Barros, Cíntia Borges de Almeida Copyright (c) 2023 Cadernos de Educação Fri, 14 Jul 2023 16:03:50 -0300 Between history and memory: <p>The study analyses the Technical Course in Buildings at the IFSul/ Campus Jaguarão. The methodology was based on qualitative research and used the document analysis and the contact with the graduates to understand the established problematic. The results of the work corroborate the mandate signed between the institute and the local community to form professionals sensitive to the theme of cultural heritage, a demand established by the population in public hearings prior to the installation of the Campus in the city.</p> Franciele Fraga Pereira, Adriana Duarte Leon Copyright (c) 2023 Cadernos de Educação Fri, 14 Jul 2023 16:18:08 -0300 Teaching training at the Federal Technical School of Mato Grosso: <p>We analyzed the teacher training at the Federal Technical School of Mato Grosso (ETFMT) between 1984 and 1989, particularly the degrees called Esquema I Course and Esquema II Course, discussing the legal and bureaucratic character of these educations. We accessed legislations and administrative processes issued by the Brazilian government, which were analyzed from the theoretical and methodological perspective of New History. We point out three classes of the Esquema I and II Courses that were attended by ETFMT teachers and we highlight the curriculum, the qualifications, and conditions of the offer of these degrees in the investigated institution</p> Túlio Marcel Rufino de Vasconcelos Figueiredo, Nilce Vieira Campos Ferreira Copyright (c) 2023 Cadernos de Educação Fri, 14 Jul 2023 16:32:56 -0300 Teachers, managers and the production of the Faculdade de Filosofia de Natal and its History Course (1955-1956) <p>The objective of the article was to analyze the actions of the teachers and managers in producing the institutional space of the Faculdade de Filosofia de Natal (FAFIN) and its History Course, between 1955 and 1956. The methodology of qualitative analysis of the administrative documents of the institution was used. The concepts of <em>space production</em> (LEFEBVRE, 2013), <em>sociability</em> (SIRINELLI, 1986) and <em>intellectual</em> (SIRINELLI, 2003) were operationalized. It was identified the social and political profile of the teachers and managers, formation, professional performance, cultural associations they have integrated, and the influence of these aspects in the curriculum of the History Course and in the institutional guidelines of FAFIN.</p> Clivya da Silveira Nobre Copyright (c) 2023 Cadernos de Educação Fri, 14 Jul 2023 16:47:41 -0300 The collection of the Documental Memory of the city of São Paulo: <p>The aim of the article is to problematize the role of school artifacts in the constitution of memory and identity of the school in São Paulo. It takes as object the historical collection of the Documental Memory, of the Municipal Secretary of Education, which keeps a valuable document mass about the history of Education in the city of São Paulo since the 1930s. The methodological procedures are anchored in the History of Material Culture. The evidence found in this collection emerges as cultural patrimony, heritage and memory of something that has been consolidated over time and that refers to the identity of the school in the city of São Paulo</p> Eduardo Bezerra de Souza Copyright (c) 2023 Cadernos de Educação Fri, 14 Jul 2023 16:59:49 -0300 Historical-Educational Patrimony: <p>This article is the result of an Extension Project that had as its motto the celebration of the 50t years of the Early Childhood Education Center Nucleo – School of Education Paulistinha of the Federal University of São Paulo, in which we proposed a discussion about the process of historical (re)construction of the educational patrimony of this institution. To do so, we present a set of memory-carrying materials which, when critically and reflexively analyzed, offer clues about the school’s operation, its main changes and permanences, about who its subjects were and how they relate to each other, and ratify the importance of keeping and preserving the memory of school institutions.</p> Peterson Mendes Paulino , Dilma Antunes Silva , Ana Paula Santiago do Nascimento Copyright (c) 2023 Cadernos de Educação Mon, 17 Jul 2023 09:06:29 -0300 From Children's Community to Paulistinha: <p>The purpose of this article is to discuss the institutionalization of the first federal university daycare center created in Brazil in 1971, born as a <em>Children's Community</em> and today called <em>Early Childhood Education Center – School of Education Paulistinha</em>. It takes as its documental sources manuals, books, and interviews. Anchored in the contributions of the History of Education and in the History of School Institutions, it is based on an investigation of specific actions, which in relation to society produces its material existence, thus recreated by the educational institution. The study allows an approach to the first university daycare center created in the country, for a better understanding of its working conditions, financing and institutional identity.</p> Rosana Carla de Oliveira, Claudia Panizzolo Copyright (c) 2023 Cadernos de Educação Sat, 15 Jul 2023 14:56:03 -0300 Sources, History and Memory of the Municipal Center for Early Childhood Education Tio Patinhas of Mandaguari / PR (1950-2000) <p>This article aims to analyze the history of the creation and existence of the Municipal Center for Early Childhood Education Tio Patinhas in Mandaguari /PR, intertwined with the conception of childhood and Brazilian socio-educational organization. The educational institution was created in 1950, soon after the founding of the city of Mandaguari/PR and remains to this day a reference for early childhood education in the city. The research was organized based on documentary sources available in archives, as well as answers to questionnaires, interspersed with research already developed in the area. It unveiled aspects of the history and memory of this Municipal Center for Early Childhood Education in its relation to the conception of childhood, social changes, and educational legislation.</p> Cláudia Sena Lioti, Márcia Márcia Marlene Stentzler Copyright (c) 2023 Cadernos de Educação Sat, 15 Jul 2023 14:56:45 -0300 Architecture, place, and space: <p>This text aims to discuss the relationship of the Prata State School with the city of Campina Grande-PB, highlighting aspects related to architecture, space, and place. We worked with bibliographical study, data survey and documental analysis. We observed that the foundation of the Prata State School was directly articulated to a moment of important urban, social, and cultural development in the city of Campina Grande.</p> Vívia de Melo Silva Copyright (c) 2023 Cadernos de Educação Sat, 15 Jul 2023 14:57:21 -0300 The school material culture as a source of research in the field of History teaching <p>This present article seeks to analyze how the relationship between historiography and material culture developed. In addition, it intends to show how school material culture is produced and its possible forms of use in academic research. For this, we conducted a bibliographic survey that brings as central theme the school material culture and its forms of use in research in education and in history teaching. We observed that the school material culture, at the same time that it is the fruit of a cultural production, also interferes in the culture and in teaching-learning practices lived in the daily life of teachers and students.</p> Geane i Bezerra Cavalcanti Copyright (c) 2023 Cadernos de Educação Sat, 15 Jul 2023 14:57:44 -0300 For an instruction for heritage: <p>This research aims to discuss the place of the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Service in the Ministry of Education and Health, highlighting how the heritage could contribute to the educational ideas in force between 1937 and 1945. We seek to think of the ideas as constructs of subjects located in spaces of production and sociability of knowledge. Thus, we seek to understand the historical process of the construction of the educational project of the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Service and the identity project of the Ministry of Education and Health that were conceptually fed by the understanding of Heritage and Education from their respective spaces of production.</p> Pedro Henrique da Silva Paes Copyright (c) 2023 Cadernos de Educação Sat, 15 Jul 2023 14:57:58 -0300 Republican modernity: <p>This article analyzes how the school architecture collaborated to the formation of the republican imaginary, based on the Benjamin Constant School Group, founded in Belém-PA, during the First Republic. The bibliographical and documental research used as sources the reports of the governors of the time and of the director of this group. Although this Benjamin Constant School Group was part of the creation of school groups throughout the country, we see that its architecture did not fit the architectural guidelines for this type of institution. The reasons are the crisis of the rubber economy and, above all, its location in a working-class and peripheral neighborhood.</p> Monika Reschke, Alberto Damasceno, Marcus Levy Bencostta Copyright (c) 2023 Cadernos de Educação Sat, 15 Jul 2023 14:58:10 -0300 Pedagogias do cuidado entre nós <p>This article presents, through narrative research, everyday life in which sexual education practices are considered in private daycare centers in Rio de Janeiro. The main objective is to reflect on possible sexual education practices that are constituted through sensitive pedagogies. The conception of the body as language converges with the production of Ferreira (2021) and Guimamães (2011), when addressing learning constructed through the body. As a result, we conclude that an alternative protective proposition to cases of childhood sexual abuse that are so common in brazilian society is to witness sexual education on a daily basis.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Maria Clara Magalhães, Patricia Baroni Copyright (c) 2024 Cadernos de Educação Wed, 24 Apr 2024 11:55:36 -0300