• Yákara Vasconcelos Pereira UFPE
Palavras-chave: Strategy, covid-19, oil, Porto de Galinhas


This theoretical-empirical study aims to analyze the strategic actions implemented by international entrepreneurs of hotels and inns located in Porto de Galinhas-PE (Brazil), and in the surroundings, in the face of the oil spill and Covid-19 catastrophes. It is a study of multiple cases with a qualitative approach. Documents and transcripts of semi-structured interviews carried out with directors, managers and employees of hotels, inn, Porto de Galinhas Hotels Association (AHPG) and Porto de Galinhas Convention & Visitors Bureau (PGACVB) were analyzed using the ATLAS.ti software. As a result of this study, it was found that with regard to strategic actions before disasters, it appears that differentiation was present in Hotels A, B and D and as differentiating elements are: services offered, personalized and regionalized drinks, revenue management and modern infrastructure. As for the strategic actions in the context of catastrophes, it is attested that the differentiation is also present in Hotel-A and Hotel-B with the implementation of new services (all inclusive and Bureau Veritas certification) respectively. This investigation reveals that differentiation forms the essential basis for the consolidation of the tourist destination in the domestic and international market. Therefore, these results indicate that the business strategies adopted in hotels and inns influence the strengthening of the tourist destination. In addition to the lack of internationalization studies in companies in the northeast of the country, investigations on the topic in the area of ​​tourism are incipient. The sector's organizations are especially important to maintain the sustainable development of tourism-oriented economies, such as the coast of Pernambuco.


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